Rabbit in Red’s Featured Artist for June, RJ, is a poster designer from Taiwan.
To see more of his work, follow RJ on Instagram.
10 Questions and Artworks with RJ
What’s your favorite scary movie?
Obviously, Scream. It led to my love of horror movies.
Favorite horror movie sequel?
Scream 2. It has good characters, costumes, exciting chase scene and an unexpected killer.
Least favorite sequel?
Saw IV. This is a sequel that has nothing to do with the main plot.
Favorite horror movie character?
Sidney. She is smart, beautiful and brave! Never bowing to her fate.
Favorite horror movie scene?
Sidney and Hallie stuck in the police car in Scream 2. I never forget how tense that scene was!
Least favorite scene?
The opening kill in IT (2017). I can’t stand kids being killed, it is brutal.
Favorite chase scene?
Gale’s and Ghostface’s chase/fight in Scream VI. It’s a tense scene.
Favorite kill scene?
When Erin was killed by a nail gun in Final Destination 3. That was so cruel!
Cheesiest kill scene?
When Vanessa was killed by her own gun in Halloween Kills. Such a stupid plot!
What horror film do you think is underrated?
Malignant. This movie is so entertaining and it has great kills, chase scenes and plot twists. It is a pity it performed poorly at the box office.

To have your work featured or to send suggestions of talented horror artists, email [email protected].
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