Rabbit in Red’s Featured Artist for July, Keith Goulette, is a poster designer from Boston, MA.
To see more of his work, follow @keithgdesigns on Instagram and visit his shop here.
10 Questions and Artworks with Keith Goulette
What’s your favorite scary movie?
I’ve become clinically obsessed with Midsommar since I saw it on the night before my 30th birthday. It’s such a weird combo of beautiful, hilarious, and deeply disturbing that I hadn’t seen before. And the “Does he feel like home to you?” line hit me like a sack of therapists. Not to mention it introduced me to one of my favorite actresses, Miss Flo. I love everything about it.
What is your favorite horror artwork you’ve created?
I end up getting sick of my own work after looking at it for so long, but the one I’ve gotten most proud of is my The Outwaters poster. It’s a design I just did for fun after seeing the film and the director liked it so much it ended up being the official theatrical poster. So that was very cool. Shout out to Robbie.
When did you start designing horror movie posters?
I started a few years ago in 2019. I’ve always been a visual person and really like making things look nice, and of course, I’m a horror nerd, so I combined those two interests. My first one was a concept poster for Scream 5 and it starred Emma Stone, Timothée Chalamet, Saoirse Ronan, and Zendaya. It’s not great.
Favorite horror sequel?
Scream 2 obviously.
Least favorite horror sequel?
The Strangers: Prey at Night was a huge bummer to me. It went against everything that made the first one so good by turning it into a campy romp. No thanks!
If you could bring one horror character back to life, who would it be?
I would have to say Cici Cooper (Sarah Michelle Gellar) from Scream 2. I just think SMG is so perfect for slasher movies, and seeing her character continue to receive creepy phone calls in that franchise would’ve given me so much joy.
Favorite horror movie scene?
I’m going to cheat and say it’s a tie. Both are scenes from Black Christmas ’74; the first being the first phone call the girls receive in the house. Even by today’s standards that phone call is one of the most chilling things I’ve ever heard in a horror film. And second, is the scene that cross-cuts between Jess watching the carolers on the porch and Barb being murdered with a glass unicorn figure upstairs. As a lover of Christmas too, that scene is just *chef’s kiss* for me.
Favorite chase scene?
I’ll say one that doesn’t get talked about much anymore and that’s the tree chase scene from Wrong Turn. I just thought that was such a fun and inventive scene, which also culminated in the death of one of modern horror’s most annoying characters: Carly.
Favorite kill scene?
More recently: the car scene from Hereditary. One of my all-time favorite theater experiences was seeing that movie with a crowd and every single person was so in shock about what just happened, you could’ve heard a pin drop. And as far as the movie goes, I genuinely had no idea where it was going after that, which is such an exciting feeling.
What horror film do you think is underrated?
When A Stranger Calls Back. The opening scene of the first is amazing of course, but that film kind of loses steam in the middle, whereas the sequel stays interesting and scary throughout. The sequence with Carol Kane in the apartment with the killer RIGHT THERE blending into the background took several years off my life.

To have your work featured or to send suggestions of talented horror artists, email [email protected].
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