Our Featured Artist for June is the Swedish based illustrator, Daniel Björk.
To see more of his work, follow @kickpunch.se on Instagram and visit his store at kickpunch.se.
10 illustrations and 10 questions with Daniel Björk
What’s your favourite scary movie?
Oh, it’s so hard picking only one! I have so many favourites. But I must say The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It had such a cult status when I was a kid in the 80s with kids spreading rumors of it being real kills. You can’t beat that hype!
What’s your favourite horror artwork you’ve created?
My Exorcist one, you got to love an artwork with puke in it.
When did you start doing horror art?
Somewhere in the ’90s but I was a teenager and it looked like crap. I found some ugly looking zombie drawings the other day and I am not showing them to anyone. Been working full-time as a self-employed illustrator since 2014.
Favourite horror movie sequel?
Evil Dead 2, what a sequel! It’s even better than the first one in my opinion.
Least favourite sequel?
There are so many bad sequels, but I must say Sleepaway Camp 3 and Pet Sematary Two pretty much suck.
If you could bring one horror movie character back to life, who would it be?
I would bring back Chop-Top! Awesome character!
What horror film series would you revive if you could?
The Lost Boys, but the chances are its going to be ruined by a reboot so maybe not.
Favourite horror movie scene?
I remember the Chestburster scene in Alien was mindblowing when I saw it as a kid, and it still is a really good scene, but if we want more gore the lawnmower scene from Braindead/Dead Alive is awesome!
What horror film do you think is overrated?
Paranormal Activity
What horror film do you think is underrated?
The Stuff

Plus, a bonus piece!

To have your work featured or if you know a talented horror artist, email [email protected].
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