Our Featured Artist for January is the professional movie poster designer Colm Geoghegan of Creepy Duck Design.
To see more of his work, visit creepyduckdesign.com and follow @creepyduckdesign on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
10 questions + 10 top pieces below
What’s your favourite scary movie?
This is really tight but it’s a toss-up between Scream, Jeepers Creepers and The Shining.
What’s your favourite horror artwork you’ve created?
It typically changes all the time and it tends to be the newest one I create each time. Ha. So at the minute, I’d probably say my Wrong Turn concept poster.
Favourite horror movie character?
I’d have to go with Freddy Krueger. He’s the ones that literally gave me my first nightmares as a kid!
What film do you think deserves a sequel that never got one?
Not so much horror as Horror/Comedy but I’ve always wanted to see a sequel to the amazing Bruce Campbell cult classic Bubba Ho Tep. Unfortunately, I don’t think Bruce is interested.
Favourite horror movie scene?
So many great ones to choose from but I’d have to go with the ‘kitchen scene’ at the end of Scream.
Least favourite scene?
Well, I just re-watched it (and wished I didn’t) but the last scene of The Predator (2018). The idea of the Predator giving us his tech to help us and being on our side annoyed me to no end. That and the CGI super Predator! Awful. So many things went wrong with that film!
Favourite chase scene?
Oh, definitely the opening chase scenes of Jeepers Creepers. Pure tension.
Cheesiest kill scene?
Cheesy but AMAZING! Troll 2. “They’re eating her, and then they’re going to eat me! Oh…My…Godddddd!” =)
What horror film do you think is underrated?
There are a lot but I’ve always wondered why the 2001 Bill Paxton / Matthew McConaughey film Frailty doesn’t get more love. Amazing film and such an eerie atmosphere.
You received a ton of press for your Scream 5 concept poster. A lot of people thought it was official. How did you come up with the idea for the poster?
It’s certainly brought a lot of attention to my work which has been amazing! I had read that there was a Scream 5 in the works and knew that it involved “a woman returning to Woodsboro to solve a murder”. So I had a visual in my head of Sidney travelling “home”. To me Ghostface embodies Woodsboro and so the concept plays with that whole idea of Sidney Prescott returning to face her demon(s).

To have your work featured or if you know a talented horror artist, email [email protected].
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