58) Scream 2: Cotton Interrogated (1:09:34-1:12:54)
Cotton Weary is arrested, becoming the number one suspect to the grisly campus killings. The acting here is excellent and Liev Shreiber really does help elevate this movie from being just a sequel to a slasher movie. Then comes my favourite line in the movie, if not the series. When he sees Gale in her head questioning whether or not he’s innocent…
COTTON: Gale. You were so instrumental in my freedom. You’re not having character doubts now, are you?
Kevin Williamson, I love you so much.
We also see Sidney crying over the death of Randy too and it’s heartbreaking.
SIDNEY: It shouldn’t have been Randy. It should have been me.

57) Scream: Stu Macher’s House Before The Madness (1:00:40-1:04:26)
Birdbrain’s Youth Of America is the perfect soundtrack to a slasher movie. Every time this tune drops, I get pumped. The third act main cast blood bath is about to commence. The cinematography here as Dewey drops off the girls and the reveal of Stu’s big home, like most homes in this movie, quite literally in the middle of nowhere. Perfect.
Gale and Kenny show up and aren’t very stealthy about it. Them being there should be suspicious and Dewey should immediately demand they leave but since he totally crushes on Gale, he invites her into the party with him instead. Gale uses Dewey’s crush to her advantage and plants a camera in the home so she herself can catch the killer and get the story. She’s brilliant is what she is.
Also, I am aware I have said the word brilliant more than a few times throughout this ranking, but these movies deserve it.

56) Scream 2: Randy and Dewey Discuss Sequels, Suspects, & Watch Stab (0:49:50-0:53:40)
Scream 2 is a sequel so of course Randy has to give us the rules of a sequel.
I also love this scene because it’s so cool to see Dewey and Randy hanging out and eating Baskin Robins together. They are simply only friends because they survived the Woodsboro massacre together and it’s nice to see some positive come from that trauma.
The best part of this scene is obviously the scene from Stab. That random joke Sidney made in the first movie about being played by Tori Spelling comes true and this has to be the greatest cameo in cinema history. Also, Luke Wilson as Billy Loomis!
I also love that Randy says he’ll “wait for video.”

55) Scream 4: Police Station (0:21:49-0:25:42)
Okay, this scene does a terrific job in juggling a lot of characters.
First, Gale and Judy argue about Dewey and lemon squares. Gale assumes she will be involved with solving the crime, but Dewey has to tell his wife “no”. He can’t have a civilian involved in official police business, which is fair but also kind of bullshit.
GALE: I helped solve these things. Three times, remember?
I don’t know why I love this line so much, but I do. The first time I heard it, it brought back so many memories of my times watching the trilogy as a little child.
Kirby, Jill, and Olivia are brought in for questioning. When Dewey learns Kirby was the only one who did not receive a call, Kirby is quick to believe she’s going to be the next one to die and has a freakout.
KIRBY: Does that mean I’m not gonna live as long as these two?

54) Scream 2: Gale and Joel Discussing The Risks (0:53:40-0:54:51)
Gale’s cameramen are always way better than they have any reason to be, and I’m low key hoping somehow she has another cameraman (or camerawoman) in the next movie.
Joel (Duane Martin) isn’t just Kenny 2.0. He’s worrisome, jumpy, and has every reason to be. He tells Gale he read what happened to Gale’s last cameraman in her book and she tries to convince him that it’s not as bad as it seems.
GALE: He wasn’t gutted. I made that up. His throat was slashed.
JOEL: Gutted! Slashed! The guy ain’t in the union no more!
GALE: It’s a job, Joel. And like every job, there are a few drawbacks.
JOEL: I want to report the news. I don’t want to be the news. Besides, brothers don’t last long in situations like this.
Scream 2 makes Joel the black voice of reason, as right from the opening scene we hear the black perspective within the genre. They’re underrepresented (the first Scream for example – even 3 and 4) and at this point in time, at least in 1997, black characters never seem to make it to the end. Joel knows this and he just wants to “get the fuck out of here.” He’s pretty much the smartest character in the movie.

53) Scream 3: Wrap Party (0:37:25-0:48:17)
The remaining cast of Stab 3 (minus Tyson, where he at? Why wasn’t he included here?) decide to get drunk at Jennifer’s house since they’re bummed their movie was shut down. Especially Tom (Matt Keesler), who chugs away at the bottle as he tears the script apart page by page.
Gale shows up to do her investigative thing while just outside, Steven Stone is murdered in Dewey’s trailer with a frying pan. Stone is a terrible person by the way. Who makes a joke about someone’s dead sister? Is he potentially the worst character in the franchise?
What follows is absolutely bonkers. The power goes out but the fax machine magically works. Script pages are printed off about what’s happening in real time and everyone loses their shit over it, especially Jennifer. A moment later, Tom is blown to smithereens because somehow the killer knew he would light a lighter. It’s all so absurd but somehow, it’s still a lot of fun?
Dewey, Gale, Angelina, and Jennifer avoid the explosion, accidentally splitting up in the process. Dewey chooses to follow Gale’s voice instead of Jennifer’s and Jennifer punches Dewey in the face for it. Gale then punches Jennifer in the face for that and again, just writing this makes me realize how foolish this movie is, but again, somehow it’s still a lot of fun?
To cap things off, the killer somehow leaves a picture of Maureen Prescott under the car without anybody seeing him do it. The cliffhanger being “I killed her” written on the back.

52) Scream: Bathroom Scene/Sidney Is Attacked (0:45:23-0:48:15)
Okay, these random two actresses who get a part in Scream are so memorable. Especially this girl who sticks her finger into her mouth after taking a dump without washing her hands. She’s 100% a sociopath.
But seriously this dialogue…
BLONDE BIMBO: Her mother’s death leaves her disturbed and hostile in a cruel and inhumane world. She’s delusional. “Where’s God,” etc. Completely suicidal. One day she snaps. She wants to kill herself but she realizes that teen suicide is out this year. And homicide is a much healthier therapeutic expression.
See? Sociopath.
Poor Sidney is too shy and fragile at this point, so she hides in the stall while Blonde Bimbo talks shit about how “maybe [Sidney’s] a slut just like her mother.” The tears in Sidney’s eyes – ugh – the superb acting by Neve Campbell. Just like Trixie Mattel has said, Campbell should have been nominated for the Oscar that year. Look at these nominees in 1996 and tell me you remember any of these performances…
Diane Keaton in Marvin’s Roon.
Brenda Blethyn in Secrets & Lies.
Emily Watson in Breaking the Waves.
Of course, this is a slasher movie so Sidney is attacked by the end of the scene. Now, what are we thinking? Do we think it was actually the killer or another prankster?

51) Scream: Billy Arrested. Gale Goes Off On Kenny (0:30:37-0:32:33)
We get our first suspect in the Scream series: Billy Loomis, who shows up to the Prescott house just as Sidney is attacked by Ghostface. What I adore so much about this is the movie is pretty much spelling out the identity of the killer for us right from the very start. It’s so so obvious, which makes us think it can’t possibly be him.
Tatum shows up in a red Volkswagen Beetle and ever since I’ve seen this movie, I’ve also wanted a red Volkswagen Beetle. Isn’t Tatum the coolest? We also learn she’s Dewey’s sister.
TATUM: Her dad’s out of town. She’s staying with us tonight.
DEWEY: Does mom know?
TATUM: Yes, Doofus.
Then, of course, the Gale Weathers we learn to love shows up and we get our first glimpse of how much of a bitch she truly is when she goes off on Kenny about being a “fat tub of lard ass.” All while wearing that iconic green suit.

50) Scream 3: Sid’s Phone Call At The Station (1:27:14-1:30:48)
At the police station, Sidney receives a phone call from herself. I don’t know why, but the way the killer imitates her in her own voice always makes me laugh a little.
“Um, w-who’s calling?” “Um, w-who’s calling?”
It’s a gutsy move to call Sid while she’s surrounded by police but he threatens to kill Dewey and Gale if she does one thing to track attention to herself, and it’s a smart move because we know how much Sidney cares.
GHOSTFACE: When you’re friends with Sidney, you die. Well these friends don’t have to. That all depends on you. You show yourself, they survive. You run, they die.
So there you have it. Sidney’s got no choice. She has to go meet the killer at this mansion.
Notice too that we get a very brief shot of the bulletproof vest that saves Sidney’s life later. It’s so subtle, you probably won’t notice it on the first or second watch. Wes Craven, man!

49) Scream 4: Opening Scene (0:00:00-0:10:55)
The opening scene of Scream has become so iconic in and of itself, it’s almost like a mini-movie – a stand-alone horror scene with the expectation to blow us away. Since the first two films had such EPIC opening sequences, we could not wait to see what the fourth movie was going to give us. I mean it had been 11 years since Scream 3! This had to be good, right?
Meh. It’s creative as hell but disappointing.
Lucy Hale and Shenae Grimes are the best part, yet they’re one of two joke scenes to trick us. It’s genuinely funny and I’m not gonna lie, I was on edge. I wanted more of them. Kristen Bell and Anna Paquin’s scene is a lot of fun too.
The problem is by the time it gets to the real movie with Aimee Teegarden and Britt Robertson, it seems like more of a spoof than the two Stab scenes we just watched. It’s not even remotely chilling either which is a problem because we expect scares from the opening. The dialogue on the phone between Teegarden and Ghostface is laughably bad.
GHOSTFACE: You’re the dumb blonde with the big tits. We’re gonna have some fun with you before you die.
JENNY: I have a 4.0 GPA and 135 IQ, asshole.
What makes this scene even more frustrating is everything we got in the finished product with Robertson and Teegarden was a reshoot. Please do yourself a favour and watch the alternate opening scene (give it a search on Youtube). It’s genuinely scary and no doubt the better scene of the two. Had they went with the alternate cut, this would easily be ranked near the top of this list.

48) Scream 4: Sid’s Book Signing (0:18:58-0:21:23)
Sidney has returned to Woodsboro on the last stop of her book tour and she’s pretty much asking for trouble, isn’t she? Gale Weathers comes to visit and it looks like it’s going to be a happy reunion, except Sheriff Dewey and Deputy Judy show up with bad news. And just like that, the trio of survivors we met in Woodsboro fifteen years ago are again the target of another psychopath.
I like that the killers are smart enough to plant evidence against Sidney so she can’t leave town. I wonder though, how did Charlie or Jill have access to the rental car?

47) Scream: Principal Himbrey Expelling Two Pranksters (0:44:39-0:45:23)
Henry Wrinkler would have made a terrific killer, evident in this scene where he snaps at two students running wild around school mocking the murder of Casey Becker and Steve Orth. He shows zero mercy by expelling the students, but not before telling them how he really feels.
PRINCIPAL HIMBREY: You make me so sick. Your entire havoc-inducing, thieving, whoring generation disgusts me. Two of your fellow students just savagely murdered and this is the way you show your sensitivity and respect. Fairness would be to rip your insides out, hang you from a tree so we can expose you for the heartless desensitized little shits that you are.
This dialogue is flawless and hilarious and rings true.

46) Scream 3: Sidney And Neil Speak Before The Nightmare (0:19:30-0:22:33)
After the events of Scream 2, it’s devastating to see Sidney where she is in this movie -absolutely wrecked and afraid. In this scene with her dad Neil (love the return cameo), they have a heart to heart about Maureen, in which Neil pleads for her to come back home.
NEIL: The only people you talk to don’t even know you’re real name. It’s as if you don’t exist.
SIDNEY: That’s the idea. Psychos can’t kill what they can’t find.
Is she not the most tragic character?
This next part divides Scream fans. In the one and only dream sequence in the series, Maureen Prescott visits Sidney and I personally like it, but I understand why people don’t. The Scream movies have always been based in reality and dream sequences take you out of that. However, let’s look at the positives here. It’s clear Sidney is dealing with the demons of her mother, so it makes sense Sidney would be having nightmares like this. Also, this is coming from the same man who created Nightmare On Elm Street. We love the homage. Above all else, this scene is absolutely haunting and Neve Campbell’s performance here is as strong as it’s ever been.

45) Scream 2: Aftermath of Cici’s Murder. Sidney Is Attacked (0:35:17-0:40:52)
This is the very last time we see Sidney in a good mood until the very end of Scream 3 and it’s so nice to see Sidney smile, isn’t it? I just want her to be happy forever and always. Why can’t she be a Meg Ryan movie?
Things go downhill when bad news hits about Omega Beta Zeta and the whole party, minus Sidney and Derek rush across the street to check out the commotion.
For the first time, we see Gale care. When learning of Cici’s death, from Debbie Salt of all people (who conveniently has to leave the scene of the crime because she has a “deadline”), she turns to Dewey with a sad tone in her voice.
GALE: It’s happening again, isn’t it?
Back at the party, the telephone rings. Sidney’s curiosity gets the best of her and instead of leaving the house for safety, she answers the phone and it’s all kinds of epic.
GHOSTFACE: Hello, Sidney. Remember me?
SIDNEY: Why don’t you show your face you fucking coward!
The killer attacks and like a scene from Scary Movie, trips over a couch and I always snicker. The killer is such a klutz but I get it. It must really be hard to see in that mask. Derek rushes in to protect her and gets cut for it.
The final shot of Sidney staring at a bloodied Derek is too good. You know what she’s thinking: fuck my life.

44) Scream: Sidney and Billy’s Introduction (0:12:58-0:17:10)
Our first glimpse at Sidney Prescott!
We also meet boyfriend/killer Billy Loomis who sneaks into Sidney’s bedroom through her window to try and get laid. It’s messed up considering he just killed two people in cold blood. Also, our first clue that Billy may have a few screws loose is when he tells Sidney that The Exorcist reminded him of her. I adore her reaction. She’s just like, what?
And no, Sidney. Billy will not settle for a PG-13 relationship.

43) Scream 4: Sidney and Dewey Talk On The Couch (0:26:56-0:28:40)
I never thought I wanted Dewey and Sidney to fall in love until I saw this scene, but… did anyone else pick up on the weird sexual tension between them in this scene? Jokes aside, this is a beautiful moment. Dewey, who has always been a protector over Sid throughout the franchise, gets to just sit and talk with Sidney for the first time in who knows how long. It’s one of the few instances in Scream 4 where we get to take a breather with our characters.
There’s also the bit where Kate confuses emotional scars with knife scars.

42) Scream 3: Sarah Darling’s Death Scene (0:22:33-0:28:23)
Every sequel’s second murder scene is always a beautiful woman, or “the chick who gets killed second, only in two scenes”. In the case of Scream 3, it’s bitter actress Sarah Darling played by Jenny McCarthy who thinks she “need[s] to get a better agent”. She comes in to meet the director of Stab 3 for a script read and has a couple of mini-fits about her character.
SARAH: Has there been another God damn rewrite? How the fuck are we supposed to learn our lines when there’s a new script every fifteen minutes?
It’s a little inside joke about the numerous rewrites for not only Scream 3, but Scream 2… and later Scream 4. You think they would have learned their lesson by then, but that’s a whole different story.
The dialogue here is tip-top, and when Sarah hides in a rack full of Ghostface costumes, we can’t help but cover our eyes. Also, Ghostface punches Sarah in the face. We expect to see stabs, but a fist to the face? Brutal.

41) Scream 2: Joel quits and Dewey Bonds With Gale (1:12:54-1:15:39)
Remember when I said Joel the cameraman was the smartest character in Scream 2? I meant it. He gets one taste of terror from Ghostface and he peaces out.
This is the pivotal moment where the character of Gale Weathers does a 180. Witnessing the death of Randy changes her. Dewey hesitates to console her, not buying her sudden sadness.
DEWEY: Is this just another brilliant Gale Weathers performance?
GALE: There are no cameras here. I just want to find this fucker!
And just like that, Dewey warms to Gale and agrees to work with her to solve these crimes.

40) Scream 3: Gale and Jennifer Investigate & Meet Carrie Fisher (0:56:16-0:59:44)
Gale explores Sunrise Studios and Jennifer Jolie forces herself along, giving Gale no choice.
JENNIFER: Here’s how I see it. I have no house, no movie, no bodyguard, and I’m being stalked. Because someone wants to kill me? No. Because someone wants to kill you. So now, starting now. I go where you go. That way, if someone wants to kill me, I’ll will be with you, and since they really wanna kill you, they won’t kill me. They’ll kill you. Make sense?
Did I already mention how much I love Parker Posey?
Jennifer aids Gale into a studio building where they run into Carrie Fisher. Or somebody who looks exactly like Carrie Fisher. It’s a cameo we didn’t know was necessary. With Carrie’s assistance, the mystery unfolds. Gale and Jennifer learn Maureen Prescott was an actress named Rena Reynolds – a bit player in John Milton’s horror movies over twenty years ago. Yeah, the plot of this movie is ludicrous, but this scene is all kinds of great.
Also, this line…
JENNIFER: 50 dollars? Who are you, a reporter for Woodsboro High?

39) Scream (2022): Mayhem At The Hospital (Part 2) & Dewey’s Death Scene (0:58:03 – 1:06:06)
What could be a throwback to Halloween 2, Tara is attacked and terrorized for the second time. I know she’s on a private floor, but ZERO STAFF AROUND? Enough of the hospital attacks after this one, please? We’ve all been in hospitals, and we know they’re a lot busier than how they’re presented in 4 and 5.
Of course, this scene is remembered for Dewey’s bravery and ultimate demise. As sad as it is to see him go, one of the trio had to bite it and this was the only way to believably bring Sidney back to Woodsboro. The phone call from Gale that distracts him makes it all the more gut-wrenching when his guts are spilled to the floor. That final shot too with Ghostface towering over his lifeless body is epic af and seems lifted right out of a Marvel movie. RIP Dewey.

38) Scream: The Final Scene (1:42:56-1:43:51)
First Cool Hive by Moby is the greatest song to end a Scream movie.
As the sun rises over Woodsboro, Gale Weathers, looking like a zombie, unsurprisingly musters up the strength to do a live “eye witness account of this amazing breaking story.” To close, in the bestest set-up for the sequels, we hear Gale yell at her new reporter.
GALE: Come on, move it! This is my big shot.
It’s true. She later goes on to write The Woodsboro Murders to become a mega celebrity.

37) Scream: Police Station Madness (0:32:33-0:36:48)
Here is the most dated line from Scream…
SHERIFF BURKE: What are you doing with a cellular telephone, son?
Billy’s questioned and we have to admit, he’s convincing when he tells the Sheriff he didn’t do it. We also see Billy’s father Hank (C.W. Morgan) in action for the one and only time in the series even though his actions had such big implications fans never really talk about. Everyone is quick to blame Maureen, but think about it. Had Hank not been caught cheating on Mrs. Loomis, do you think his son Billy would have killed people? I guess we will truly never know. Also, if anyone deserved to get killed by Ghostface in one of these movies, it’s this guy.
Later, Dewey sneaks Sidney and Tatum behind the station only to be blindsided by Gale Weathers. Gale and Sidney meet face to face for the first time and it’s classic. In a blink of an eye, or should I say – a punch to the face – we learn of a rich and juicy backstory between these two women that we weren’t quite expecting on first viewing.

36) Scream 4: Sidney and Jill Have A Heart To Heart In The Kitchen (0:51:34-0:53:57)
Sidney and Jill bond over the heartache of losing somebody close to them. This scene cleverly hints at Jill’s sinister intentions without being obvious about it, as she asks Sidney how she deals with the celebrity title she never asked for. Sidney opens up in Neve Campbell’s best-acted scene in the fourth entry, hoping that Jill “never [has] to find that out.”

35) Scream 3: Introduction Of Our Stab 3 Cast On Set (0:13:18-0:19:30)
Okay, there’s a lot going on here. Much of it is cheese, but it’s all entertaining.
Firstly, we are introduced to our cast. Producer and Director of Stab 3, John Milton (Lance Henrikson) and Roman Bridger – who talk about violence in cinema being a big deal. At the time of Scream 3’s release, it was in real life a big deal because of the tragedy of Columbine. It’s why the movie is much less violent than the previous two and also why the script’s setting changed from high school to Hollywood. This leads us to the funniest line in the movie.
WALLACE: He was making a movie called Stab. He was stabbed.
We then meet the cast of Stab 3. I immediately like Tyson Fox and Sarah Darling (these names are so jokes) and immediately hate Tom Prince, who somehow landed the role of Dewey. Emily Mortimer’s in this movie too and she’s fantastic because she’s always fantastic but knowing how respected of an actor she would later become, it’s unfortunate how little she is used in this movie.
When Courteney Cox sneaks onto set, she is confronted by Parker Posey’s Jennifer Jolie who’s dressed like Gale from the first Scream – wearing the lime green suit we love to hate. Gale immediately dislikes her and that’s even before she finds out Jennifer and Dewey are hot for one another. This scene is actually a lot smarter than you might initially think. It’s an emotional beat accurately taken from the previous two films – Gale’s narcissism (represented by Jennifer) being the one thing that always got in the way between her and Dewey. I wish I could say I thought of this myself, but it was through my conversation with writer/director John Bernardo of Initiation (a 2021 slasher you need to watch) where he explained to me the artistry of this scene.
I will also shamefully admit that I don’t hate the Jay and Silent Bob cameo.

34) Scream 2: The Library (1:06:07-1:09:34)
From her computer, Sidney receives an instant message at the school library.
“Do you want to die tonight?”
Naturally, she freaks and her two bodyguards swiftly try and catch the killer when suddenly Sidney is confronted by her past: Cotton Weary. Things turn tense fast as he pleads for her to do a Diane Sawyer interview with him.
SIDNEY: Between the movie and the book, people know the truth. Let’s get on with our lives, there’s been enough exposure, why would you want any more?
COTTON: Why? I don’t know, Sidney. I don’t know. Maybe because I fucking deserve a little exposure? I mean, come on Sidney, you drag my name through the mud, everybody thinks I’m some kind of psycho killer, and all I’m asking for is one little fucking Diane Sawyer interview to maybe get my side of the story straight? Now, I don’t think I’m being unreasonable in that request.
It’s phenomenal because you understand both sides. Sidney did ruin this man’s life. She blamed Cotton for the murder of her mother even though she never actually saw him kill her. It’s easy to understand why Cotton needs this. At the same time though, it’s even easier to understand why Sidney can’t give this to him. She is sick of living in the past and wants to move forward. Also, it doesn’t help that Cotton is acting like a maniac here and inappropriately touching her.

33) Scream: Fountain Scene (0:19:34-0:21:41)
This shot of the teenage cast at the fountain is an image engrained in all Scream fan’s minds. Also fun to note, this is the only time all five of these characters are together in one scene.
It breaks our hearts to see Sidney here, the murder of Casey triggering the memories of her mother’s murder. This is the first time we see just how damaged Sidney is because of it. We also get our first hint that Stu is guilty when we find out Casey dumped him for Steve. On repeated viewings, it’s so very evident Stu and Billy are the killers. It’s the looks they give each other. It’s the punch to Stu’s arm when Billy thinks Stu’s being a little too insensitive. And. “Liver alone” might be the funniest line in the movie.

32) Scream 3: Dewey, Gale, and Jennifer Approach Milton (1:09:01-1:11:56)
Viewed in a post-2020 lens, this scene is a whole lot more interesting now than it was twenty years ago. Gale, Dewey, and Jennifer confront John Milton about the discovery of Maureen Prescott, and we learn that he and many other Hollywood producers took advantage of her during her time as an actress, thus becoming a catalyst for the series bloody storyline. What makes this even more disturbing and ironic is that this is a Harvey Weinstein produced film.
This is Gale Weathers at her best. Also, there’s Parker Posey going nuts with this line.
And Roman saying this.
ROMAN: Variety called me a pariah. I don’t even know what a pariah is.

31) Scream: Video Store (0:54:41-0:57:37)
This is Randy’s first moment to truly shine. He’s the Randy we know to love, referencing horror film Prom Night as a blueprint of what is happening here. Everything he says is spot on too, if only we believed him. Like us though, he doesn’t expect there to be that second killer which makes it even more frightening that he’s sharing his thoughts to that second killer.
Also, “millennium” is a good word.

30) Scream 3: Bloodbath at John Milton’s (1:15:54-1:27:14)
TYSON: There’s a psycho killer on the loose and you want to go traipsing around this gigantic mansion? Have you ever actually seen the Stab movies? Every time this dude enters a room, he ends up a goddamn shishkabob.
Is it smart if the movie comments that the characters are making dumb decisions before they make the dumb decisions or is it lazy? Either way, I still love it.
Jennifer splits up with Roman where he leads her to the basement to fake his own death and presumably kill her. Instead, he waits for Gale to discover his body before he makes his move.
Angelina and Tyson have their best moments here before they are killed.
ANGELINA: I did not fuck that pig Milton to get a leading role just to die here with second rate celebrities like you two!
TYSON: Oh, you mother fucker!
Parker Posey is the star of this scene which isn’t a surprise because it’s her time to scream and run. Her and Gale screaming in synch as they watch Angelina’s dead body get dragged away is priceless. As infuriating as Jennifer’s death scene may be (Dewey, shoot one mirror instead of wasting all your bullets!), were any of us surprised she was killed?
The knife throw to Dewey at the end of the scene is quite cheap though.

29) Scream (2022): Reuniting With The Trio (0:31:06 – 0:38:23)
Kudos to the screenwriters for bringing back legacy characters organically.
Sam and Richie beg Dewey to help them find the killer since he’s an “expert”. He immediately points suspicion at Richie and I feel like an idiot for not trusting Dewey here. He really did nail it in one guess.
“Never trust the love interest.”
A half-hour into the fifth movie and we finally get our first glimpse of Sidney – AND SHE IS A MOTHER and apparently married to Mark Kincaid from Scream 3. This is acting at its finest, as Dewey tells Sidney to promise not to come back to Woodsboro, while Sidney pleads for Dewey to “be safe.” The emotions.
And that text to Gale. That smile emoji???

28) Scream (2022): Requel Discussion (0:38:23 – 0:44:22)
Sam gathers Tara’s high school friends to Chad and Mindy’s and accuses one of them of being the killer. It’s kind of terrifying when you really think about it as both killers are sitting right there with her. Dewey shows up too and the fact they brought back his theme from Scream 2 is total fan service.
Martha cameos for the second time in the franchise and it’s also total fan service.
Of course, everyone begins accusing each other, but it’s Wes and Dewey’s exchange here that’s best.
WES: You got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife and crawled into bottle. I think it’s safe to say you’re on the suspect list.
DEWEY: Well maybe you’re the killer. Because that cut deep.
Mindy proceeds to steal the scene with her meta spin as to why this is all happening, solidifying her as the new fan favourite. The question remains, will she bite it in the sequel like her uncle?

27) Scream (2022): Gale Mourns and Sidney Returns to Woodsboro (1:06:06 – 1:08:48)
We the audience along with Gale must come to terms that our beloved Dewey is dead.
SAM: My sister would be dead if it wasn’t for him.
This line almost angers Gale. How dare Sam say this now? So who the hell is Sam’s sister? Dewey was the love of her life, and he paid the price to help someone he didn’t even know. But Gale still gets it; she gets who Dewey was. He helped people and it’s only fitting this is how he died.
Sidney and Gale reunite and it’s tragic. We can’t help but think how far these characters have come, from fists to the face to being there for each other whenever there’s trouble in Woodsboro.

26) Scream 4: Final Showdown at Kirby’s House (1:18:35-1:35:14)
Okay. This is the weakest of the killer reveals, but there’s a lot of fun to be had here.
Sidney arrives at Kirby’s only to be instantly attacked by Ghostface. Her and Jill bolt upstairs and we’re treated to a tense moment on the roof which I wish lasted a beat or two longer. For a second, there’s some real suspense and this movie doesn’t have enough of that.
The best part is with Kirby down in the basement reliving Stab as Casey Becker. With Charlie tied up outside like Steven Orth, the killer calls her for some pop trivia. You know the drill. When asking her a question about a “horror movie remake”, Kirby doesn’t allow the killer to finish his question, instead choosing to name every single horror remake of the last decade and it’s fucking amazing.
Halloween. Texas Chainsaw. Dawn Of The Dead. The Hills Have Eyes. Amityville Horror. Last House On The Left. Friday The 13th. A Nightmare On Elm Street. My Bloody Valentine. When A Stranger Calls. Prom Night. Black Christmas. House Of Wax. The Fog. Piranha.
Now this is some fun commentary! The sheer amount of remakes in the 2000s is insane and goes to show you how sad the state of the genre was at this point. But what if the answer to the question was The Stepfather?
The first twist is when Charlie stabs and betrays Kirby and it’s gut wrenching. Literally.
The second twist (if not one of the biggest twists of the franchise) is Jill being the second killer, the same girl we initially believed would be the new Sidney and lead the new trilogy. Her motive is ahead of its time, opting to become internet famous by having “fucked up shit happen to [her].
JILL: You had your fifteen minutes, now I want mine. We’re all in public now, we’re all on the internet, how do you think people become famous anymore? You don’t have to achieve anything.
Okay, Jill, I get it. It makes sense for the millennial psychopath.
Here’s where the scene fails for me. Jill has Sidney right where she needs her. All she has to do is kill her and Jill will get away with it. But… she doesn’t kill Sidney? So let me rewind here. Olivia gets her insides ripped out, Rebecca gets stabbed in the stomach and thrown off a building, Perkins gets stabbed in the skull, Trevor gets shot in the dick and in the head… but Sidney, the ONE person who needs to die in order for Jill to get away with it, only gets a couple little jabs to the stomach? The writing dumbs Jill down to get Sidney to the next scene and it’s a shame.
Anyway, what comes next is the best part. Like Billy and Stu, Jill has to make it look like she survived an attack from Ghostface so she beats herself up and stabs herself in the shoulder and it’s one of the most violent hilarious things you’ll see in these movies.
Photos courtesy of kissthemgoodbye.net and homeofthenutty.com
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