97) Scream: Police Questioning Sidney. Dewey’s Introduction (0:18:59-0:19:34)
The Woodsboro police are questioning every student and faculty member at the school. This scene is important mainly for it being our first look at David Arquette’s Dewey Riley, in which he humorously corrects Sidney when she calls him by his first name.
DEWEY: It’s Deputy Riley today, Sid.
Also, Principal Himbry (Henry Winkler) touching Sidney inappropriately is quite nasty.

96) Scream 2: Sidney and Hallie Arrive at the Sorority Party (0:28:00-0:28:51)
“I’m fine”, Sidney says as Dave Matthews Band plays at the Sorority Party.
HALLIE: Yeah, Fucked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional
I have much appreciation for this dialogue and I may or may not think this line to myself every time someone tells me they’re “fine”. Fine never means fine, you know?
Then we get Portia De Rossi coming in with her iconic line.
SISTER MURPHY: Hi! No, I really mean that. Hi.
Does anyone else think Lois and Murphy deserved their very own death scene in Scream 2? At the same time though, I also like that not all characters die in these movies. It’s more realistic than say a Friday the 13th where usually every character we meet dies in the most brutal way.

95) Scream 3: Gale’s Introduction With Mark Kincaid (0:11:12-0:12:48)
It’s a lot of fun to see Gale Weathers’ career progress throughout the series. By Scream 3, she’s world famous and we are introduced to her at some sort of press conference where she tells a massive audience to metaphorically cut each other’s throats.
“Well tell me, Ms. Weathers. Was it worth it?” asks some random guy. How’s that for some deepness?
Mark Kincaid arrives and enlists Weathers’ help as long as she doesn’t go to the media about it. For some fun continuity, she promises on her future Pulitzer Prize she plans to win one day.

94) Scream 2: Copycat Killer (0:42:40-0:43:53)
Just like in Scream 3 where Ghostface is seemingly killing the actors in the order they die in the movie, in Scream 2 the killer is “copycatting” Woodsboro, killing people with the same names as the victims of the first film. In both Scream 2 and 3, it’s a ploy to throw the police off track. It also does hint that if the killer is repeating what happened in Woodsboro that the killer can be from Woodsboro. Something someone says later in the movie. 😉
As very brief as this scene is, Courteney Cox is so good here (and in this movie in general).

93) Scream 3: Randy’s Video Tape (0:52:12-0:56:15)
Diehard Scream fans love Randy (Jamie Kennedy) and were not happy to see him die in Scream 2. This is why Craven thought of a way to bring him back for the next chapter. We get a video tape Randy filmed prior to his death to help a future Sidney survive a third massacre, aka a trilogy. It’s cute mostly and that last line is poignant.
RANDY: For some of you, you ain’t gonna make it. I didn’t. Not if you’re watching this tape.
It’s a bit of a stretch and the rules don’t really apply, minus the one about a preponderance backstory.
Also, did anyone ever think to ask how Randy’s sister Martha (Heather Matarazzo) knew to meet Sidney at the Sunrise Studio lot? And how did she gain access to that trailer?

92) Scream (2022): Tara and Sam Have a Heart to Heart (1:08:48 – 1:10:37)
Sam just helped save precious little Tara’s life, so Tara forgives her and they promise to be the bestest of sisters. Sam, channeling Sidney Prescott post Scream 2, decides the best option for her and Tara is to run where nobody can find them. By getting “the fuck out of Woodsboro”.

91) Scream 4: Gale and Sidney at Cinema Club (0:48:33-0:51:34)
Charlie and Robbie host Cinema Club at Woodsboro High with special guest celebrity visits by Sidney and Gale. Here, we are treated to the rules of surviving a horror movie remake and unlike Scream 3, they’re all pretty relevant to the plot of this movie – except for “virgins can die now.” Who was a virgin? Precious little Marnie Cooper??
Anyway, Gale and Sidney are only there to try and find out who at the school might possibly be the murderer. The highlight is when Charlie and Robbie bring up the Stab-A-Thon…
GALE: Where’s this circle jerk taking place?

90) Scream: Dewey Talks To Sheriff Burke While Sidney and Tatum Grocery Shop (0:57:37-1:00:40)
I adore the juxtaposition between Deputy Dewey and Sheriff Burke (Joseph Whipp) in this scene, with Dewey eating strawberry ice cream and Burke smoking a cigarette.
While both men talk shop, Sidney and Tatum are unknowingly stalked by Ghostface… in the frozen food section at the grocery store. The townsfolk of Woodsboro can’t see this man in a robed costume stalking around the store? It’s silly and one of two moments in the original where you have to suspend your disbelief.
Before this though, Sidney jokes about how someone like Tori Spelling would play her if they were to ever make a movie about her. We all know what happens in the sequel and we live.

89) Scream 3: Sidney Reunites with Dewey and Gale (0:47:17-0:52:12)
Dewey and Kincaid fumblingly threaten each other until Sidney walks in and is reunited with the gang. We see the warm love Dewey and Sidney have for one another, but the awkward embrace between old rivals Sidney and Gale is the moment we didn’t know we needed until we saw it. Character development at its finest.
Sidney discovers the killer has been leaving pictures of her mother and demands Kincaid show her the places in the photographs. Let the Scooby Mystery begin!

88) Scream: Sidney Bumping Into Billy At School (0:42:16-0:44:39)
Two students at school play a prank by putting on Ghostface costumes, which is all kinds of twisted and insensitive given the current climate. Stu (Matthew Lillard) thinks it’s hilarious because of course he does, but this expectedly sends Sidney into hysterics. She bumps into Billy who she hasn’t seen since she accused him of being a psychopathic killer.
This scene is important, but it’s the most melodramatic of the movie which is exactly why they make fun of it in the sequel. We see Billy’s selfishness shine through here, and we get the very first mention of Billy’s mom, who we will come to fear (or love) in the sequel.

87) Scream 2: Sidney Bombarded With Reporters (0:14:40-0:15:03)
The media obsession with these murders only heightened by Gale Weathers is rather alarming. The lack of respect they have for Sidney as they bombard her at the beginning of the movie…
Leave the girl alone! She feels threatened by you!

86) Scream: Sidney And Tatum Talk About Cotton And Her Mother (0:53:21-0:54:41)
Alice Cooper’s School’s Out For Summer transitions from the previous scene and we love it.
Sid’s bestie Tatum (Rose McGowan) doesn’t hold back, telling Sidney she might actually believe the rumours about Sidney’s mother, Maureen. Sidney’s hurt by it, but even she is starting to believe them.
SIDNEY: So if I was wrong about Cotton Weary, then the killer’s still out there?
TATUM: Don’t go there, Sid. You’re starting to sound like some Wes Carpenter flick or something.
Then comes the second moment in the movie where you must suspend your disbelief: the Ghostface murderer again in broad daylight watching the girls from the bushes. It’s corny, mostly because it’s so out of the real world that has been established to this point.

85) Scream: Sidney Loses Her Virginity (1:09:15-1:12:21)
Sidney and Billy have sex.
Really, it’s the sole purpose of this scene. Sidney’s a virgin and she loses her virginity to the man who not only killed her mother, but her best friend literally hours before entering her.
Kevin Williamson, you’re screwed up and I worship you for it.

84) Scream 3: Sidney Hears Of Cotton’s Murder (0:12:48-0:13:18)
Short and sweet, Sidney feeds her beautiful golden retriever as she hears of Cotton Weary’s murder on television. Sidney has no words, yet we see the mix of emotions in her eyes: shock, sorrow, fear. She realizes at this very moment it’s all about to happen again.

83) Scream 3: Sidney’s introduction. Or Laura’s Introduction (0:09:25-0:11:12)
Sidney’s introduction in Scream 3 is like… so sad. We learn she has isolated herself by going into hiding after almost being killed by not one, not two, not three, but four different murderers. She is living in the middle of nowhere (somewhere beautiful) and has changed her name to Laura. At least she has a dog to keep her company.

82) Scream 2: Hospital Scene (0:40:52-0:42:40)
Mickey Altieri (Timothy Olyphant) comforts Sidney after her recent run-in with Ghostface. Or should we say after her run-in with him?? Once you know the conclusion of this movie, the more disturbing this scene is. Here Mickey is consoling Sidney just for it to screw with her head later when he reveals himself. He even dares to throw suspicion to the man in her life, Derek!

81) Scream (2022): Final Scene (1:44:44 – 1:48:12)
I respect the homage to the original. Especially that final shot being a carbon copy. For Wes. It needed to be done given this movie’s rules. And to be honest, Wes needed to be respected. It’s beautiful. But I’m hoping they stop relying on nostalgia for the next entries. Let’s be fresh, let’s be new, let’s fuck audiences up with Part 6! I know you can do it, Radio Silence!
Sidney’s “eventually” line is gold. She’s a survivor. She works through the trauma, even if it keeps coming back. Gale being given an even bigger character arc is gold too. “These fuckers can die in anonymity.” But how are Sidney and Gale just chilling in the back of that ambulance? These women would be rushed to the hospital, in agonizing pain, badasses or not.
Also, we love to see Mindy and Chad (Mason Gooding) carry on the tradition Dewey started in the first movie.

80) Scream (2022): Mayhem At The Hospital (Part 1) (0:22:06 – 0:31:06)
Sam awakes from a bad dream before having a hallucination of… BILLY LOOMIS. This is wild the first time you watch it. You’re not sure if you love it or hate it, but it’s Billy Loomis, so you default to love. Sam is attacked and here is where you see just how lazy Richie and Amber are. If they wanted to frame Sam as the sole murderer, why attack her here and risk being spotted? If someone walked into the break room, their plan would have gone to shit; they would have had to frame a second killer. Also, how is Richie getting in and out of the robe with nobody seeing him at a busy hospital?
Soon comes the big reveal, that Sam is Billy Loomis’ daughter. This is a daring decision by the writers and it works. Billy was a psychopath dating a virgin, of course he was screwing around on Sidney back in ’96. The acting between Melissa and Jenna here is some of the best in the movie.
I do wish this scene was 5 seconds longer here though. After Sam said “It doesn’t freak you out? That my father was a serial killer.” Richie, having ‘just watched’ the first two Stabs, should have responded with… “Well, I guess actually your grandmother was a serial killer too.”

79) Scream 4: Rebecca’s Death Scene (0:42:58-0:47:16)
Ghostface’s dialogue on the phone is chilling here as always and Allison Brie makes this scene super entertaining despite her character being furiously stupid. Why didn’t Rebecca call the police as soon as she jumped in the car? Why didn’t she lay a hand on the horn to get people’s attention? Why did she get out of the car when she just saw the masked man outside? And why the hell would the door handle of the parking garage door break off like that? It’s still so much fun, but the elevator part is totally unnecessary.

78) Scream 4: Kirby and Charlie Share A Moment. Trevor Interrupts (1:13:55-1:17:28)
Hayden Panettiere’s Kirby Reed is the Parker Posey of Scream 4. She commands every scene she’s in, outshining even the original trio, so much so that she is coming back.
Her flirtatious teasing with Charlie Walker throughout the movie leads to this scene where she finally goes for it. Why not, right? She’s drunk and lonely and horny. What’s with all the characters in these movies wanting to sleep with psychopaths by the way?
Trevor barges in before they’re about to kiss and hilarity ensues.

77) Scream: Morning After Attack. TV Report On Sidney. Introduction of Cotton (0:38:21-0:39:22)
One thing I love about these movies is the media’s obsession with not just murder but anything involving the Prescott’s. We see that here, with Sidney having to bear witness a news report not only about her mother, but now herself.
SIDNEY: It’s never going to stop, is it?
Also, who knew Cotton Weary’s walk-in-role would not only lead to a fully-fledged character for the trilogy, but a fully realized career for Liev Schreiber? How great.

76) Scream: Stu Convinces The Girls To Come To His Party (0:50:19-0:51:15)
Stu is elated that classes have been canceled and convinces Tatum to convince Sidney to go to his house tonight for an impromptu party. Peer pressure. Sidney agrees even though it’s the last thing she wants to do, but Stu is right – safety in numbers. Too bad the girls are unaware that going to the party is falling right into the killer’s trap.
Stu’s cheer to himself at the end of the scene is both hilarious and terrifying.

75) Scream 2: COTTON FUCKING WEARY (1:32:00-1:32:52)
Moments after Gale watched Dewey die (so we thought), she bumps into Cotton Weary – who has fresh blood all over his hands. The beauty here is the look in Gale’s eyes when her whole world turns upside down. The man she helped get out of prison could be the killer! Too bad for Gale, running away from him leads her directly into the real killer, Debbie Salt (Laurie Metcalf – aka the best surprise of Scream 2).
GALE: The killer, it’s Cotton FUCKING Weary!
Question. Why was Cotton at the college? Why would he roam around campus and enter the film school? I like to imagine Debbie called him to set up an interview so he would look like an even bigger suspect.

74) Scream: Dewey And Gale Meet (0:48:15-0:50:19)
Okay, this scene is super sweet and it sets into motion the trajectory of both these character’s lives throughout the series. Gale introduces herself to Dewey and flirts with him to get information, but there’s no denying it turns into real flirting and the rest is history.

73) Scream: Gale and Dewey Share Their First Kiss (1:13:57-1:18:50)
This scene has us nervous the first time we watch it. Dewey asks Gale to go for a walk and is ultra creepy about it because all the characters in these movies are ultra creepy because you never know which one of them might be the killer. Could Dewey be leading Gale far from the party to murder her? I mean she did just tell Kenny (W. Earl Brown) she would “be right back.”
Nah, he literally just wants to get to know her. After the boisterous teenagers almost run them over with their car, they tumble into the bushes where they share their first kiss.
“Sorry, I’m on duty.” He says as Gale breaks in laughter.
They then spot Neil Prescott’s car and shit’s about to go down.

72) Scream: Sleepover At Tatum’s (0:36:48-0:38:21)
“Bam, bitch went down! I’ll send you a copy. Bam! Sid! Superbitch!”
Tatum is the bestest friend ever and the fact that she’s wearing pyjamas with clouds on them just adds another layer to this character. We wouldn’t expect that from her, right?
Sidney’s sleeping over at Tatum’s after almost being sliced and diced and even here she isn’t safe. She receives a phone call from the killer while Billy is in jail and it’s the most ingenious way to make the audience think Billy is innocent. This movie is just too good.
Also. With his gun clutched firmly in hand, Dewey picking up the phone to ask “hello?” is very funny.

71) Scream 3: Roman Questioned By Police (0:34:14-0:35:46)
Roman Bridger (Scott Foley) cries and complains (that’s literally all he does in this movie) about how Stab 3 has been canceled and then proceeds to tell Dewey and Jennifer he believes he is the next target.
“You think this wasn’t a message?” he says as he shows them his decapitated music video award. It’s funny if you remember how it broke.
Kincaid and Wallace show up on set to arrest him since he called Sarah Darling just before she was stabbed, which, I must say is a clever little way to throw us off track. Since the killer is disguising his voice as every other character in the movie, you would then think that Roman would never pretend to be himself since he himself is the real killer. You get me?
Then we have the end of the scene which always makes me giggle.
JENNIFER: God, Roman. Remind me not to sleep with him again.

70) Scream 2: Gale and Dewey Outside Police Station (0:45:15-0:46:28)
Gale tries to have an intimate moment with Dewey because she’s so infatuated.
GALE: Come on, Dewey. Smile just once.
DEWEY: I’ll smile when I catch the killer.
We continue to see Gale evolve as a character once she’s approached by the press, including Debbie Salt questioning whether or not Dewey could be the killer. Gale snaps back…
GALE: Dewey’s a good guy! Unlike some of us.
She’s questioning her own self-righteousness here, and whether or not she is in fact good. Oh Gale, how we love to see you grow. Also, Debbie Salt. You crazy evil bitch, pressing Gale’s buttons just because you can.

69) Scream (2022): Vince’s Death Scene (0:20:36 – 0:22:06)
Over twenty minutes into Scream (2022) and we finally get out first kill. The killer simply lures Vince over and jabs him in the throat. The knife goes in as quickly as it comes out. The blood gushing from Vince’s neck while he realizes he just got outsmarted by someone’s red right hand is quite simple and horrifiying.

68) Scream (2022): Introduction of our Teenage Cast (0:13:38 – 0:15:56)
This may be the best cast since the original – the standouts being Mindy, Chad, and Wes. Amber is immediately suspicious, and I love the subtle reintroduction of Deputy Judy here as Wes’s mother. Since this is Scream, the characters immediately point fingers at one another, and Mindy’s got quite the twisted sense of humour.
Stu’s nephew Vince shows up too and it’s a little too convenient.

67) Scream 4: Introduction of Kirby, Jill, and Olivia (0:12:19-0:14:56)
Dewey leaves his house and almost gets run over by a car. Kirby’s car.
We get our introduction of the Laurie, Annie, and Linda of Scream 4. Kirby Reed, who bops her head to the beat of some heavy rock song. Jill Roberts, the new sweet and innocent ingenue – so we think – and Olivia Morris (Marielle Jaffe), who we don’t know much about except that she’s the super hot friend of Kirby and Jill’s.
Jill receives a phone call from the killer (the other killer I should say) and it’s through rewatching this movie that we realize Jill really was the perfect liar. She is almost an evil genius. I say almost, because, well… you’ll read why later.
Also, that jump scare at the end of the scene got me. And is totally recreated in Scream 5 (or Scream?).

66) Scream 3: Sidney Receives A Phone Call From The Killer At Home (0:35:46-0:37:25)
Sidney gets a work call, except it isn’t a work call. The killer has called her home! It’s frightening and eerie as hell since the killer miraculously sounds just like her dead mother. As much as it makes no sense, it succeeds in creeping us out.
Sidney has also smartened up since the second movie and now owns a gun. I have another question. If Sidney was smart enough to own a gun in 3, where was her gun in 4?

65) Scream 2: Sidney’s Introduction (0:11:45-0:14:40)
Sidney’s introduction in Scream 2 doesn’t waste time. Right off the bat, she’s woken up with a phone call from the killer. Except it isn’t the killer. It’s a prank call. It’s fucked up, but the way she handles it is all sorts of badass, without the fear and panic one might expect her to have since, well, she survived a massacre only a couple years ago.
We quickly meet Sidney’s roommate, Hallie who doesn’t get enough to do in this movie, to be honest. She’s pleasant and she even has a Freddy Kruger sweater in her closet.
What makes this scene pop is the look in Sidney’s eyes when she hears the voice of Cotton Weary on TV. We can tell she feels bad for what she did to Cotton, but is still uneasy at the sight of him. I mean the guy did have sex with her mother behind her and her father’s back.

64) Scream (2022): Gale and Sidney Reflect (1:17:38 – 1:17:56)
This scene could have also been 5 seconds longer. As much as Scream 3’s reveal is not revered, it’s still canon. Sidney shouldn’t have just said “Billy Loomis started this”, but also “and my fucking half brother.” Yeah, it’s silly, but it’s our franchise. Embrace all of it, don’t pick and choose.
What I do I love very much about this scene is that it brings up Sidney’s mother, even just for a second. Continuity is always appreciated. Gale regrets her decision to ever write about these murders, which is important for the overall arch of her journey by the movie’s end. Also, these two together is always a treat.

63) Scream (2022): Sam & Richie Roll Into Woodsboro (0:15:56 – 0:17:18)
“You mean like in Halloween? Sounds a lot like Halloween.”
This line is hilarious because it’s true. Slasher movies all sort of have the same plot.
Again, I believe every word Richie is saying here which is why I didn’t buy him being the killer – but as you rewatch this movie, you can pick apart his lies. He’s really trying to painstakingly convince everybody he doesn’t know anything about slasher movies – except he does know which movie Jason belongs in – which should be our first hint.
Love the Elm St sign they pass too. #ForWes

62) Scream (2022): Sidney Meets Sam (1:10:37 – 1:13:11)
Our new final girl meets THE final girl and the lack of respect makes it real hard to root for Sam. But I understand, she just wants to make sure her little sister is safe. But like Gale says, “watch it, new girl!”
Despite her best effort of convincing Sam to stay with her words, Sidney is smart enough to know better. She once was Sam. Putting a tracker on her car like something Gale would do is brilliant.

61) Scream (2022): Chad and Liv (1:16:28 – 1:17:38)
Short and sweet, and above all else fun. Liv is ready to have sex with Chad but he makes the informed decision to wait until after the killing spree. Mason Gooding’s delivery here when Liv questions why…
Chad: I’m not entirely sure… that… you’re not… the killer…
Liv is kind of one of the worst characters, no?

60) Scream: School. Reporters, Gale and Tatum’s Introductions (0:17:10-0:18:42)
This is the first scene of the franchise that showcases the media’s fixation with carnage. Sidney shows up at Woodsboro High to witness a circus of vultures reporting on the savage murders of Casey and Steve. We first get a marvelous cameo of Linda Blair before we get our introduction to the gay icon herself, Gale Weathers, in her flashy lime green suit. The back of Kenny’s jacket “Top Story” takes up half the screen and it’s expert cinematography.
Then we are treated to Rose McGowan’s Tatum Riley. God bless her and this dialogue.
SIDNEY: Casey Becker, she sits next to me in English.
TATUM: Not anymore.
We’re also given our first hint of backstory with Sidney’s mom.
TATUM: Dewey’s saying this is the worst crime they’ve seen in years. Even worse than… Well. It’s bad.
There’s so much happening in one minute’s time and it’s brilliant.

59) Scream: Principal Himbrey’s Death Scene (0:51:15-0:53:21)
I love that Henry Winkler is in this movie purely to get killed. There’s a lot to like here. The cameo by Wes Craven dressed as Fred the Janitor for one. Then, of course, the vicious stabbing.
Fun fact: this wasn’t in the original script. The producers told Williamson they needed another murder so this was a last-minute addition. It also gives a reason for the kids to leave the party later on in the third act.
Photos courtesy of kissthemgoodbye.net and homeofthenutty.com
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