Sponsored Feature: A & P Productions
Onlyfangs is an upcoming horror/comedy written and directed by Paul Ragsdale and Angie De Alba.
Watch the campaign promo here!
A wanna-be monster hunter helps a bloodthirsty gang of vampire chicks expand their business by creating a new app to turn their victims into customers.

A Q&A with Paul Ragsdale and Angie De Alba
Hi Paul and Angie, thanks for joining us to discuss your upcoming horror comedy Onlyfangs! Tell us how you came up with the concept for the film.
Paul: Thank you for having us! We’ve always wanted to make a vampire movie but we didn’t have the right story. While shooting Slashlorette Party in 2019 I came up with the title and I thought it was funny enough to start with. I wrote down a quick premise. It wasn’t much but I kept working at it and eventually had enough to pitch to Angie and some close friends. They liked it and it gave me the energy to write the first draft!
Angie: Paul will come up with these crazy titles or ideas and present them to me and I’m like “maybe there’s something there, I need more info.” lol I’ll read the first draft and help make some suggestions and bring it down to earth.

Were you inspired by any other films or filmmakers during the creative process?
Paul: I wanted to make a vampire movie that was a combination of The Lost Boys and Fright Night, which are my favorite vampire movies from my childhood. Angie didn’t get to watch any horror movies growing up but she did watch The Lost Boys as an adult!
Angie: I did watch The Lost Boys and I loved it! We want that kind of fun energy for our vampire movie. It’s more like the “The Lost Girls“.
I wanted to make a vampire movie that was a combination of The Lost Boys and Fright Night, which are my favorite vampire movies from my childhood.
What are some of the biggest challenges when it comes to bringing the film to life?
Paul: The biggest challenge is always scheduling the cast and crew, to be honest. Everyone works or goes to school or they have other movies they are working on. So that’s the biggest challenge as opposed to the financial part.
Angie: It’s true. We know how to make things work on a tight budget, so it’s not an issue for us. Making the shooting schedule can be tedious but it feels good when it’s done right.
What was the casting process like? How did you know who fit each role?
Paul: We like to work with the people we love from our previous movies – the very first person we had in mind was Nina Lanee Kent. We knew we wanted her before the script was even written! We wrote the lead male role for Drew Marvick. We knew he could pull off the lovable and heroic attitude of the character. Then while we were making Murdercise we talked to Kansas Bowling about the script and she wanted to read for the lead role of “Reese”. While it wasn’t written with her in mind, now I can’t picture anyone else but Kansas in the role! From there we sent it to Jessa Flux and Adriana Uchishiba since we liked working with them so much on Murdercise. And we wanted to use this movie as an opportunity to bring in some new people from the indie horror world like Meredith Mohler. Then when Ellie Church made it known she was back in the acting world we had to send her the script and get her onboard!

You have an Indiegogo campaign running for Onlyfangs. What are your goals and what perks can horror fans receive for supporting the film?
Paul: With Murdercise we raised around 30K, which is the biggest amount we’ve ever raised for a movie. With Onlyfangs we want to go even bigger, more gore, more effects, more everything; our ultimate goal is $40K for the movie. We have a lot of interactive perks like voice over roles, cameo roles, background roles that we are offering. And of course we have the physical media perks which include Blu-ray, DVD and even VHS!
Learn more about Onlyfangs’ Indiegogo campaign and follow the film’s Instagram @onlyfangs_movie.
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