We may not be getting Halloween Kills this October, as anticipated, but we still have a full month of horror ahead. It’s the perfect season to rewatch some of our favourite classics, including the Halloween series, of course. No matter how many times we’ve seen the films, they still bring a feeling of nostalgia and are packed with notable one-liners we love to recite.
In celebration of Halloween Month, we’re counting down the best quotes from our favourite folks of Haddonfield (Summer Glen, California too). And fingers crossed we’ll get a few Halloween Kills treats this month!
Happy October!
Laurie Strode

I want you to go down the stairs, and out the front door. I want you to go down the street to the Mackenzie’s house. I want you to tell them to call the police and tell them to send them over here. Do you understand me? Go do as I say!
Sheriff Leigh Brackett:

It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.
Dr: Loomis

I met him, 15 years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding in even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes – the Devil’s eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy’s eyes was purely and simply…evil.
Annie Brackett

I hate a guy with a car and no sense of humor.
Lynda Van der Klok

Tommy Doyle

Laurie, what’s the boogeyman?
Marion Chambers

Marion Chambers with Dr. Loomis at the clinic. He’s here!
Radio Operator: Ah, ten-four. Unit calling, identify suspect.
Michael Myers! Just get your ass over here!
Mrs. Alves

Men! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.

Amazing Grace, come sit on my face, don’t make me cry, I need your pie.
Rachel Carruthers

Mom, I’m on a diet. You want an oinker for a daughter?
Sheriff Meeker

I catch you gropin’ my daughter, I’ll use that shotgun on you. You understand?
Kelly Meeker

Wise up to what men want, Rachel, or Brady won’t be the last man you lose to another woman.
Jamie Llyod

Whoever you are, I have a big dog with me, and he bites!
Reverend Jackson Sayer

Apocalypse, End of the World, Armageddon. It’s always got a face and a name. I’ve been huntin’ the bastard for 30 years, give or take. Come close a time or two. Too damn close! You can’t kill damnation, Mister. It don’t die like a man dies.
Tina Williams

Nothing Mike, that’s what I get. Nothing. Stop here. I want a pack of cigarettes.
Mrs. Blankenship

A long, long time ago, it was a night of great power. When the days grew short, the spirits of the dead, returned to their homes to warm themselves by the fire’s side. All across the land, huge bonfires were lit. Oh, there was a marvellous celebration. People danced, and they played games, and they dressed up in costumes, hoping to ward off the evil spirits. Especially the boogeyman.
Tommy Doyle (as Paul Rudd)

When Michael Myers was six years old, he stabbed his sister to death. He was locked up for years in Smith’s Grove Sanitarium, but he escaped. Soon after, Halloween became another word for mayhem! One by one, he killed his entire family, until his nine-year-old niece, Jamie Lloyd, was the only one left alive. Six years ago, Halloween night, Michael and Jamie vanished. Most people believed them dead but I believe someone hid them away. Someone who keeps Michael, protects him, tries to control him. If there’s one thing I know, you can’t control evil. You can lock it up, burn it, and bury it, and pray that it dies, but it never will. It just rests awhile. You can lock your doors, and say your prayers, but the evil is out there waiting. And maybe, just maybe…it’s closer than you think!
Kara Strode

I see only one bastard in this house!
John Tate

We’ve got a psychotic serial killer in the family who loves to butcher people on Halloween, and I just thought it in bad taste to celebrate.
Sarah Wainthrope

Paging Inconsiderate: Party of One. Okay Charlie, no sex games till I’ve eaten.
Molly Cartwell

I think that Victor had reached a point in his life where he had nothing left to lose. I mean the monster sought to that by killing off everybody that he loved. Victor finally had to face it. It was about redemption… it was his fate.
Jimmy Howell

Jimmy’s been suspended five times this year already for gettin’ a little crazy with the STICK.
Charlie Deveraux

Hey, we could have avoided all this if you had simply scored some of your Mom’s booze.
Ronny Jones

Comb your hair!
Freddie Harris

Looking a little crispy over there, Mikey. Like some chicken-fried motherfucker. Well, may he never, ever rest in peace.
Bill Woodlake

You know, I think it happened when she was right there. Poor little Judith. Helpless, brushing her hair, young and naked.
Rudy Grimes

You want some of this? Huh? You want to try and fucking kill me? Huh? You like sushi, motherfucka?
Sara Moyer

Fear makes me want to throw up.
Jenna Danzig

This must be where the demon was conceived.
Aaron Korey

I believe in Michael Myers, a deranged serial killer, but the Boogeyman? No.
Deputy Frank Hawkins

There’s a reason we’re supposed to be afraid of this night.
Karen Strode

I can’t do it…Gotcha!
Julian Morrisey

I know you’re talking about smoking weed. Don’t lie to me. That’s against the rules, I’m telling my mom.
Dr. Sartain

(About Laurie and Michael) I would suspect the notion of being a predator or the fear of becoming prey keeps both of them alive.
Ray Nelson

I got peanut butter on my penis.

You are so getting dry-fucked tonight.
Allyson Strode

Say good-bye to Michael, and get over it.
Michael Myers

What’s your favourite Halloween quote?