Sponsored Feature: SimmeringFire Productions
Under Control is a gripping psychological horror short written/produced by Jazmine Cornielle and directed by Jenna Brady. Originally conceived and produced in 2020, this reimagined version has been meticulously reworked, reclaimed, and re-released by SimmeringFire Productions.
Official trailer:
Full film:
Under Control follows a woman’s desperate struggle to escape her inner demons. But as the saying goes, demons are relentless – they follow, they feed, and they grow stronger. For her, the battle is twofold: the suffocating grip of alcoholism, and the monstrous entity lurking beneath her bed, its hunger for destruction insatiable and ever-growing.
A Q&A with writer Jazmine Cornielle
Welcome, Jazmine! Thanks for chatting with us about your new psychological horror, Under Control. What inspired the concept for this short film?
Thank you for having me! I was always intrigued by this concept of the “monster under the bed” that kids, like myself, were afraid of. I realized when I grew up – adults are still afraid of the monsters under their beds. They are afraid of their shame, guilt, their secrets, their past, and toxic addictions.
What prompted the decision to revisit and re-release the film under SimmeringFire Productions, three years after its initial creation?
The most important reason is because I wanted to own my own work, on my terms. I released this under another company and we parted ways. After much consideration, I decided to exercise my right to rework and re-release under SimmeringFire Productions banner. Please support the film and my other re-release on SimmeringFire Productions!
Also, this was the very first film I wrote and produced. I’ve learned and grown so much from when I made this film initially. So I figured if I’m gonna give it a re-birth, I can fix the things that bothered me since its release.
What drew you to reimagine the classic “monster under the bed” legend, and how does Under Control offer a fresh spin on this familiar fear?
It’s a monster under the bed story for adults. I loved the idea of making it unclear if it’s a literal or metaphorical monster.
What was your biggest challenge during the filmmaking process?
I can’t remember a big challenge at the moment… but we did have to hold from filming once because a cop stopped by. We were shooting in an apartment and one of the scenes where I was screaming and crying was heard by the downstairs neighbor. They called the police because they were worried. When the cop came in, with tears in my eyes, I explained: “I’m fine. I’m just ACTING”.
What lasting impression do you hope to leave with viewers after they’ve experienced Under Control?
Some of our monsters manifest in addictions or things we feel great guilt or shame for. I would like viewers to question, what monster in their life are they feeding? What are they afraid of and how can they overcome it, instead of indulge it?
To learn more, visit Under Control’s IMDB, subscribe to SimmeringFire Productions’ YouTube, follow @simmeringfireproductions and @jazminecornielle on Instagram.
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